Couples GPS - Anti Overwhelm Formula

1) Be easy on yourself.
This isn’t a competition. It’s an opportunity. Challenge yourself, but only to the point where improving results vs. just overwhelming yourself.

2) Be accountable to yourself, meaning, develop a system to face your life, honestly, without judgement- maintaining a careful, steady look at your daily choices. Are you moving in the direction you’d like? If not, review your habits and actions. Click here for more.

3) Set yourself up for success:

If you’re getting discouraged because it doesn’t seem like your getting much traction with CGPS, take smaller bites and celebrate any and every success. For instance, if you only get a 2 minute “Nightly Inventory” in, while brushing your teeth near your spouse at night. Yay!! Celebrate this. Mention it in your journal. Give your spouse a high five! Feel the victory of even a small, tiny, success!

b) Returning to the the habits theme- establishing some routines is huge in reducing overwhelm. Click here to learn more about Habit Stacks Affirmations and Habit Tracking.