
This is a fun list to update from time to time, especially during a “Monthly Private Retreat.”

Suggested Use:

  1. Copy and paste the list below (or print) and create a document on your phone or put in a physical notebook called "Particulars." This should be kept in with your “Request List” and “Love Map” results.  

  2. On a walk, drive, sitting face to face, or during a “Monthly Private Retreat” interview each other so you can update your notes.  

  3. Meditate on this information from time to time (along with your “Love Map” notes). Reviewing these lists will assist you in becoming more aware of your spouse’s world and how to serve him or her best.

  4. You do not need to do this in one sitting.

  5. Particulars - Added value!  "Particulars" can also be used as a kind of "Face to Face", get to know you time i.e. "How do you feel when _____________?"  or "Tell me more about how this, or how this feels when _________" etc.   You can add this to any response.  Example found in first item on “Favorite Holidays” (below).


  1. What is your favorite lunch meat?

  2. Would you Bungee jump? Why, or why not?

  3. What’s your favorite cereal?

  4. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off or when you put them on?

  5. Favorite ice cream.

  6. What would you rename our kids if you had to?

  7. Favorite smells.

  8. Favorite sport to watch.

  9. Favorite sport to play.

  10. Favorite sport to play with me.

  11. Favorite sounds (Top 1 to 5)

  12. Who was your favorite celebrity as a child. In what ways did you obsess over this person if you did?

  13. A favorite childhood memory: Favorite memories of your last school, or grade.

  14. Favorite love language (including examples and perhaps how you feel when _______)

  15. 2nd Favorite love language (including examples)

  16. Favorite Holidays, in order and explanations (why? and/or how your spouse feels when the kind of holiday he or she has described unfolds)

  17. Favorite traditions (part of holidays or not):

  18. Favorite kinds of gifts (things you like me to buy you):

  19. Favorite dates (things like you like to do on our date nights, including inexpensive to expensive):

  20. Behaviors (my behaviors) that create positive energy and/or attraction toward me (i.e. when I play with the kids etc.)

  21. Favorite romance activities (what warms your spouse’s heart, romantically?):

  22. What you like me to do when you’re upset or working through something:

  23. Top five favorite books of all time:

  24. Top 5 favorite movies of all time:

  25. Favorite foods.

  26. Favorite Desserts

  27. Favorite restaurants

  28. 3 Closest Friends

  29. Favorite relatives

  30. Favorite childhood memories.

  31. What do you like to do when you come home?

  32. What do you like me to do when you come home?

  33. What you like me to do or say when you are grieving

  34. What you like me to do for you when you’re sick.

  35. Favorite 2 to 3 colors.

  36. Favorite massage i.e. foot, back, neck, head?

  37. Favorite time to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  38. Favorite chore you do for me.

  39. Clothing measurements

  40. Shoe size.

  41. Ring size.

  42. Favorite nightly and/or self care (What recharges you?).

Trivia (Fun To Know)

  • Favorite traditions (part of holidays or not).

  • Favorite self care.

  • Top five favorite books of all time:

  • Top 5 favorite movies of all time:

  • 3 Closest Friends:

  • Favorite relatives.

  • Favorite childhood memories

  • Favorite 2 to 3 colors.

Add some of your own!